Malware Protection
Yes, Mac’s can be infected with Malware. Years ago, the thinking that Macs were “immune” to viruses was mostly true, but in recent years that has been changing.
When it comes to “Malware” – Mac systems are subject to the same vulnerabilities as Windows machines and cannot be considered immune. For instance, the Mac’s built-in protection doesn’t block the adware and spyware bundled with fraudulent application downloads, of which there are many. Most infections that we see are installed by the user, unwittingly, when they installed browser extensions that claim to help get maps and directions, edit PDF’s, or watch certain video content. Trojans and keyloggers are also threats.
After exhaustive testing of Anti-malware utilities for the Mac platform, MalwareBytes is the only software we recommend for Mac users. We typically install the free version on any Mac we work on, with the user’s permission. We also offer a discounted rate on the premium subscription, which adds features such as real-time protection and scheduled scans.
We will soon be offering this purchase online, but for now, just contact us for a license key.
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